Upcoming events

July 1-7, 2024 – Dan will be teaching a workshop on poetry and midrash at the Second annual Jewish Poetry Conference hosted by Yetzirah: a Hearth for Jewish Poets, at the University of North Carolina-Asheville. Poets can apply between February 1-March 1 to participate in this intimate event, and poetry lovers can buy a pass to all public events and readings. Public events will also be livestreamed.

Full details about applying for the 2024 Conference here.

Read the 2023 Writing Contemporary Midrash anthology, including Dan’s poems “The Portal” and “First Evening Prayer” from Practice.

New work

Counting (2023): A chapbook of poems counting and recounting days in a life, ranging from yearning, elegy and political outrage to passion, devotion, and gratitude. From Finishing Line Press.

Central American Book of the Dead (2023), by Balam Rodrigo, translated by Dan Bellm. These poems, spoken in the voices of Central American migrants and refugees living and dead, journeying through Mexico to the north, are a testament and witness to a great exodus of our time. Winner of the Aguascalientes Prize, Mexico’s highest poetry award. From FlowerSong Press.